Can action buttons be added to dashboard table on activeadmin?

You can also try this:

ActiveAdmin.register Foo do
  actions :all
  index do
    column :name
    actions defaults: true do |foo|
      link_to "Custom ACTION", custom_action_path(

It worked for me to have more options than the already defined ones: View, Edit, Delete


table_for is used to render a collection of objects which may not necessarily be ActiveRecord objects, so the action methods aren't available like they are in an index action. However, you should be able to render your own actions with something like this:

column("View User") { |user| link_to "View", user_path(user) }

EDIT For multiple links you can wrap the link_tos use Arbre's span tag:

column("View User") do |user|
  span link_to "View", "/mypath"
  span link_to "Edit", "/mypath"
  span link_to "Delete", "/mypath"

I'm using ActiveAdmin 1.0.0.pre2 w/ arbre 1.0.2, I haven't tried it on earlier versions.