Calligraphic or handwriting fonts that use diacritics

Of the type 1 fonts listed in the font catalogue, miama appears to work:

Quō ūsque tandem, Catilina, abūtēre patientiā nostrā?

Qu\=o \=usque tandem, Catilina, ab\=ut\=ere patienti\=a nostr\=a?

enter image description here

The TeX Gyre version of Zapf Chancery also works:

Quō ūsque tandem, Catilina, abūtēre patientiā nostrā?

Qu\=o \=usque tandem, Catilina, ab\=ut\=ere patienti\=a nostr\=a?

output of tgchorus example

If you're free to use either XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX, there are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of chancery-type and handwriting-type fonts out there that are set up to handle diacritics.

The following example shows just two such possibilities: Apple Chancery and Zapfino. (Times New Roman is shown mostly for contrast.)

enter image description here

\setmainfont{Times New Roman} % set a suitable default text font
\newfontfamily{\AC}{Apple Chancery}
\obeylines % just for this document
Times New Roman
Quō ūsque tandem, Catilina, abūtēre patientiā nostrā?
\bigskip Apple Chancery
{\AC Quō ūsque tandem, Catilina, abūtēre patientiā nostrā?}
\bigskip ...
\bigskip Zapfino
{\zapfino Quō ūsque tandem, Catilina, abūtēre patientiā nostrā?}

