Call VB6 DLL from a multithreaded c# windows service application?

When the threads come in, are you saving objects and reusing them later on new threads? If you can, create the objects fresh for every thread. We have a situation like this with a data layer dll we use. If you create a connection on one thread, it can't be used from another. If you create a new connection on each thread, it works fine.

If it's slow to create your objects, look at the ThreadPool class and the ThreadStatic attribute. Threadpools recycle the same set of threads over and over to do work, and ThreadStatic lets you create an object that exists for one thread only. eg

public static LegacyComObject myObject;

As a request comes in, turn it into a job and queue it in your thread pool. When the job starts, check if the static object is initialised;

void DoWork()
    if (myObject == null)
        // slow intialisation process
        myObject = New ...

    // now do the work against myObject