Calculating Date Field with today's date from

An update Cursor will out perform the field calculator 100% of the time.

You need to write this as an expression:

import arcpy, datetime

fc = r'C:\GIS\CARGIS\SHAPES.gdb\CRASH_ON_2013'
field = "DTCARXTRCT"
exp = '''def add_date():
  import time
  return time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")'''

arcpy.CalculateField_management(fc, field, 'add_date()',
                                'PYTHON', exp)
print 'done' did not work in field calculator, switched to strftime.

OR, if you want to do it the better way where you can feed your own variables in, use a cursor:

import arcpy, datetime

fc = r'C:\GIS\CARGIS\SHAPES.gdb\CRASH_ON_2013'
field = "DTCARXTRCT"
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, [field]) as rows:
    for row in rows:
print 'done'