Calculate digits of Pi

Shell Utilities: 48

curl -sL|grep -Eom 1 '[a-f0-9]{1024}'

  • All output is "calculated" at runtime. (thanks to OP posting the solution)
  • Runs in under a minute. (may be dependent on your internet connection speed)

Sage, 29 char

This isn't technically cheating, since the digits are computed at runtime. That said, it's still cheap as hell.


JavaScript, 536

(Linebreaks and indentation for legibility only)

var d='0123456789abcdef',p='',o='',l=3e3,c=0,e='length';d=d+d;
function $(n,r){return n[e]<=r?0:d.indexOf(n[r])}
function g(a,b){for(i=0,t='',s=16;i<l;i++,t+=d[~~(s/b)],s=(s%b)*16);
for(;a--;t=_(t,t,1));return t}
function _(a,b,s){for(i=(a[e]>b[e]?a[e]:b[e])-1,r='',c=0;i>=0;r=(s?
  function(k){c=k>15;return d[k]}($(a,i)+$(b,i)+c):
  function(k){c=k<0;return d[k+16]}($(a,i)-$(b,i)-c))+r,i--);return r}

It takes about 25 seconds, on Google Chrome 14 on my lap-top using Intel i5 core. Can someone else golf this code? I can't golf well.. :(

Below is non-golfed. I just remove all comments and changed for loop to golfing.

Don't mention about for(;s>=b;s-=b);s*=16;. I changed it to s=(s%b)*16. :P

Calculate PI-3 to 3000 (3e3) digits.
a : a
b : b
c : carry
d : digits
e : length
f : get from d
g : calculate (2^a)/b.
i,j, : for looping
l : length to calculate
p : pi
r,t : return value
var d='0123456789abcdef',p='',o='',l=3e3,c=0,e='length';
d=d+d;//for carring

function $(n,r){return n[e]<=r?0:d.indexOf(n[r])}
Calculate (2^a)/b. Assume that 2^a < b.
function g(a,b){
    for(;a--;t=_(t,t,1));return t}
Calculate a±b. (+ when s=1, - when s=0) When calculating minus, assume that 1>b>a>0.
function _(a,b,s){
        r=(s?function(k){c=k>15;return d[k]}($(a,i)+$(b,i)+c):
            function(k){c=k<0;return d[k+16]}($(a,i)-$(b,i)-c))+r,i--);return r;
Using BBP formula. Calc when j=0...
4/1 - 2/4 - 1/5 - 1/6 = 3.22222222.... (b16)
//Calc when j>0

EDIT : Removed totally unused function. (Why did I keep that? :/ )

PS. First 100 digits of PI
