Cakephp 3 routing with language parameter

Options, such as route element patterns, must be passed via the third argument of Router::connect(), the $options argument.

This route:

    ['action' => 'index', 'language' => 'ar|de|en|fr'

will catch your /foo/bar URL, it will match foo for the :language element, and bar for the :controller element. Basically the language key in the URL array will be treated as the default value, and it will always be overwritten by the :language element value.

The correct way of defining the route is:

    ['action' => 'index'],
    ['language' => 'ar|de|en|fr']

The other routes need to be adapted accordingly.

See also Cookbook > Routing > Connecting Routes

The best way is using Routing scopes

$builder = function ($routes) {
$scopes = function ($routes) use ($builder) {
    $routes->scope('/questions', ['controller' => 'Questions'], $builder);
    $routes->scope('/answers', ['controller' => 'Answers'], $builder);

$languages = ['en', 'es', 'pt'];
foreach ($languages as $lang) {
    Router::scope("/$lang", ['lang' => $lang], $scopes);

Router::addUrlFilter(function ($params, $request) {
    if ($request->param('lang')) {
        $params['lang'] = $request->param('lang');
    return $params;

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