cakephp 2.0 how to update auth data?

Write the updated data to the Session eg:

$this->Session->write('Auth.User', $data);

Before CakePHP 2.x you can't do this in the model without break the framework design.

With CakePHP 2.x you can load the Session Component from models and update it.

evert0ns answer is right. But you should use AuthComponent::login(), because the data is saved within the AuthComponent as well and is not fetched from the session every time.

I had the problem just a couple of days ago.

// AppController.php
 * Renews current user data, e.g. in case of an email address change while being logged in.
 * @param array $newUserData
 * @return void
    protected function renewUserSession($newUserData){
            if(!isset($newUserData) || empty($newUserData)){

            // We need to fetch the current user data so custom indexes are copied
            $currentUserData = $this->Auth->user();
            if(!isset($currentUserData) || empty($currentUserData)){

            // Merge old with new data
            $newUserData = array_merge($currentUserData, $newUserData);

            // Login with new data

Source: my paste

Put this in your AppController. The method is specialized to merge the current and the new user data to keep existing custom indexes that you may have provided. I needed this, but you can leave it out though. Give the updated user data as a parameter to the method. Not in model find form. E.g.:

$data = array(
    'User' => array(
        'username' => 'bla',
        'passwort' => 'fu',
        'email' => '[email protected]'

// Wrong

// Right

I tried the following line. Its works well form me After modify the user data i written the following line

 $this->Session->write('Auth', $this->User->read(null, $this->Auth->User('id')));