caching plots in R/Shiny

Assuming you are using ggplot (which with Shiny, I would bet is a fair assumption).

  1. Create an empty list to store your grob, say Plist.
  2. When a user request a graph, create a string hash based on the shiny inputs
  3. Check if the graph is already saved, eg hash %in% names(Plist)
  4. If yes, serve up that graph
  5. If no, generate the graph, save the grob to the list, name the element by the hash, eg, Plist[hash] <- new_graph


Caching of images created with renderPlot()/plotOutput() is supported since shiny 1.2.0.

  • release notes:

  • function documentation

The solution below behaves similar to the following usage of renderCachedPlot().

output$plot <- renderCachedPlot(
  expr = {
    histfaithful(bins = input$bins, col = input$col) 
  cache = diskCache()

renderCachedPlot() allows caching in memory and on disk with sensible defaults. The rules for generating hash keys can be customized and by default digest::digest() is used for all reactive expressions that appear in expr.

The solution below demonstrates how a subset of these features (caching on disk) can be implemented with a shiny module. The basic strategy is to use

  • digest::digest() to create cache keys based on arguments sent to a plot function
  • to pass the arguments to the plot function unless the key created from digest() signifies that the image is already cached
  • grDevices::png() to capture an image from the call to and add it to the cache
  • shiny::renderImage() to serve images from the cache

Original answer

Although both answers to this question are very good, I wanted do add another one using shiny modules. The following module takes a plotfunction and a reactive version of it's arguments as inputs. In the end, args()) is used to create the plot.


cachePlot <- function(input, output, session, plotfun, args, width = 480, height = 480,
                      dir = tempdir(), prefix = "cachedPlot", deleteonexit = TRUE){
  hash <- function(args) digest::digest(args)

  output$plot <- renderImage({
    args <- args()
    if (!is.list(args)) args <- list(args)
    imgpath <- file.path(dir, paste0(prefix, "-", hash(args), ".png"))

      png(imgpath, width = width, height = height), args)
    list(src = imgpath)
  }, deleteFile = FALSE)

  if (deleteonexit) session$onSessionEnded(function(){
    imgfiles <- list.files(dir, pattern = prefix, full.names = TRUE)

cachePlotUI <- function(id){
  ns <- NS(id)

As we can see, the module deletes the image files created if needed and gives the option to use a custom caching-directory in case persistent caching is needed (as it is in my actual usecase).

For a usage example, I'll use the hist(faithful[, 2]) example just like Stedy.

histfaithful <- function(bins, col){
  message("calling histfaithful with args ", bins, " and ", col) 
  x  <- faithful[, 2]
  bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = bins + 1)
  hist(x, breaks = bins, col = col, border = 'white')

  ui = fluidPage(
      sliderInput("bins", "bins", 5, 30, 10, 1),
      selectInput("col", "color", c("blue", "red"))
  server = function(input, output, session){
      cachePlot, "cachedPlot", histfaithful, 
      args = reactive(list(bins = input$bins, col = input$col))

The answer from Ricardo Saporta is very good and what I used to solve a similar problem, but I wanted to add a code solution as well.

For caching I used digest::digest() where I just fed a list of the parameters for that particular graph to that function to create a hash string. I initially thought that I would have to extract the hash string from observe() and then use an if/else statment to determine if I should send it to renderImage() or renderPlot() based on if the image had previously been created. I flailed with this for a while and then stumbled upon just using renderImage(). Its not a perfect image substitution but more than close enough for the purposes of this demo.



                   "Number of bins:",
                   min = 1,
                   max = 50,
                   value = 25),
      selectInput("plot_color", "Barplot color",
       plotOutput("distPlot", width='100%', height='480px')

and server.R


function(input, output) {

base <- reactive({
  fn <- digest::digest(c(input$bins, input$plot_color))

output$distPlot <- renderImage({
    filename <- paste0(base(), ".png")
    if(filename %in% list.files()){
    } else {
    x  <- faithful[, 2]
    bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)
    hist(x, breaks = bins, col = input$plot_color, border = 'white')

  }, deleteFile = FALSE)