CA1303, DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters, but I'm actually not

Based on the documentation for CA1303, the reason for the warning being raised is that you pass a literal string as the second parameter of the String.Format method, and in addition the second formal parameter of that particular overload is annotated with LocalizableAttribute.

Therefore what the warning wants you to do is to put the string "{0} v{1}.{2} Alpha r{3}" as a localized resource in your resource assembly, and refer to it as such. Which is probably a good idea, as technically the structure of the format string and the fixed parts of its contents are localizable resources.

If you simply want to make FxCop shut up, you can annotate UpdateTitle accordingly:

                 "CA1303:DoNotPassLiteralsAsLocalizedParameters" )]
private void UpdateTitle() { /* ... */ }