c++ Why std::multimap is slower than std::priority_queue

To summarize: your runtime profile involves both removing and inserting elements from your abstract priority queue, with you trying to use both a std::priority_queue and a std::multimap as the actual implementation.

Both the insertion into a priority queue and into a multimap have roughly equivalent complexity: logarithmic.

However, there's a big difference with removing the next element from a multimap versus a priority queue. With a priority queue this is going to be a constant-complexity operation. The underlying container is a vector, and you're removing the last element from the vector, which is going to be mostly a nothing-burger.

But with a multimap you're removing the element from one of the extreme ends of the multimap.

The typical underlying implementation of a multimap is a balanced red/black tree. Repeated element removals from one of the extreme ends of a multimap has a good chance of skewing the tree, requiring frequent rebalancing of the entire tree. This is going to be an expensive operation.

This is likely to be the reason why you're seeing a noticeable performance difference.

I think the main difference comes form two facts:

  1. Priority queue has a weaker constraint on the order of elements. It doesn't have to have sorted whole range of keys/priorities. Multimap, has to provide that. Priority queue only have to guarantee the 1st / top element to be largest.

So, while, the theoretical time complexities for the operations on both are the same O(log(size)), I would argue that erase from multimap, and rebalancing the RB-tree performs more operations, it simply has to move around more elements. (NOTE: RB-tree is not mandatory, but very often chosen as underlying container for multimap)

  1. The underlying container of priority queue is contiguous in memory (it's a vector by default).

I suspect the rebalancing is also slower, because RB-tree relies on nodes (vs contiguous memory of vector), which makes it prone to cache misses, although one has to remember that operations on heap are not done in iterative manner, it is hopping through the vector. I guess to be really sure one would have to profile it.

The above points are true for both insertions and erasues. I would say the difference is in the constant factors lost in the big-O notation. This is intuitive thinking.

The abstract, high level explanation for map being slower is that it does more. It keeps the entire structure sorted at all times. This feature comes at a cost. You are not paying that cost if you use a data structure that does not keep all elements sorted.

Algorithmic explanation:

To meet the complexity requirements, a map must be implemented as a node based structure, while priority queue can be implemented as a dynamic array. The implementation of std::map is a balanced (typically red-black) tree, while std::priority_queue is a heap with std::vector as the default underlying container.

Heap insertion is usually quite fast. The average complexity of insertion into a heap is O(1), compared to O(log n) for balanced tree (worst case is the same, though). Creating a priority queue of n elements has worst case complexity of O(n) while creating a balanced tree is O(n log n). See more in depth comparison: Heap vs Binary Search Tree (BST)

Additional, implementation detail:

Arrays usually use CPU cache much more efficiently, than node based structures such as trees or lists. This is because adjacent elements of an array are adjacent in memory (high memory locality) and therefore may fit within a single cache line. Nodes of a linked structure however exist in arbitrary locations (low memory locality) in memory and usually only one or very few are within a single cache line. Modern CPUs are very very fast at calculations but memory speed is a bottle neck. This is why array based algorithms and data structures tend to be significantly faster than node based.