C# ref is it like a pointer in C/C++ or a reference in C++?

In C#, when you see something referring to a reference type (that is, a type declared with class instead of struct), then you're essentially always dealing with the object through a pointer. In C++, everything is a value type by default, whereas in C# everything is a reference type by default.

When you say "ref" in the C# parameter list, what you're really saying is more like a "pointer to a pointer." You're saying that, in the method, that you want to replace not the contents of the object, but the reference to the object itself, in the code calling your method.

Unless that is your intent, then you should just pass the reference type directly; in C#, passing reference types around is cheap (akin to passing a reference in C++).

Learn/understand the difference between value types and reference types in C#. They're a major concept in that language and things are going to be really confusing if you try to think using the C++ object model in C# land.

The following are essentially semantically equivalent programs:

#include <iostream>

class AClass
    int anInteger;
    AClass(int integer)
        : anInteger(integer)
    {  }

    int GetInteger() const
        return anInteger;

    void SetInteger(int toSet)
        anInteger = toSet;

struct StaticFunctions
    // C# doesn't have free functions, so I'll do similar in C++
    // Note that in real code you'd use a free function for this.

    static void FunctionTakingAReference(AClass *item)

    static void FunctionTakingAReferenceToAReference(AClass **item)
        *item = new AClass(1729);

int main()
    AClass* instanceOne = new AClass(6);
    std::cout << instanceOne->GetInteger() << "\n";

    AClass* instanceTwo;
    // Note that operator& behaves similar to the C# keyword "ref" at the call site.
    std::cout << instanceTwo->GetInteger() << "\n";

    // (Of course in real C++ you're using std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr instead,
    //  right? :) )
    delete instanceOne;
    delete instanceTwo;

And for C#:

using System;

internal class AClass
    public AClass(int integer)
        : Integer(integer)
    {  }

    int Integer { get; set; }

internal static class StaticFunctions
    public static void FunctionTakingAReference(AClass item)
        item.Integer = 4;

    public static void FunctionTakingAReferenceToAReference(ref AClass item)
        item = new AClass(1729);

public static class Program
    public static void main()
        AClass instanceOne = new AClass(6);

        AClass instanceTwo  = new AClass(1234); // C# forces me to assign this before
                                                // it can be passed. Use "out" instead of
                                                // "ref" and that requirement goes away.
        StaticFunctions.FunctionTakingAReferenceToAReference(ref instanceTwo);

A ref in C# is equivalent to a C++ reference:

  • Their intent is pass-by-reference
  • There are no null references
  • There are no uninitialized references
  • You cannot rebind references
  • When you spell the reference, you are actually denoting the referred variable

Some C++ code:

void foo(int& x)
    x = 42;
// ...
int answer = 0;

Equivalent C# code:

void foo(ref int x)
    x = 42;
// ...
int answer = 0;
foo(ref answer);

Every reference in C# is pointer to objects on heap as pointer in C++ and ref of C# is same as & in C++

The reason ref should be avoided is, C# works on fundamental that method should not change the object passed in parameter, because for someone who does not have source of method may not know if it will result in loss of data or not.

String a = "  A  ";
String b = a.Trim();

In this case I am confident that a remains intact. In mathematics change should be seen as an assignment that visually tells is that b is changed here by programmer's consent.

a = a.Trim();

This code will modify a itself and the coder is aware of it.

To preserve this method of change by assignment ref should be avoided unless it is exceptional case.