C# MVC Controller cannot get decimal or double values from Ajax POST request

You need to stringify you data when you are sending decimal values.

data: JSON.stringify({ Price: 5.0 })

This is because the decimal is considered an integer by the default binder.

You could of course change to using the DecimalModelBinder which is detailed at the following link:

ASP.NET MVC3 JSON decimal binding woes

This could be a Culture issue

Be sure that the string you are sending to your action is compliant to the current Culture. (check the decimal number separators . ,)


e.g. on a french server, 99.1 will not be understood as 99,1, but will be converted to 0.


In that case, one solution is to define culture in your Web.Config

    <globalization uiCulture="en" culture="en-US"/>

Or, replacing the separator by the proper one on the client side.

I suggest trying to pass the data as JSON.

data: JSON.stringify({ price: price }),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"

Just pay attention to include the content type. It may be required in order to the binder know how to parse the data of your request.