C++ Member Reference base type 'int' is not a structure or union

Your intvalue is no object. It has no member functions. You could use sprintf() or itoa() to convert it to a string.

You're trying to call a member function on intValue, which has type int. int isn't a class type, so has no member functions.

In C++11 or later, there's a handy std::to_string function to convert int and other built-in types to std::string:

result += ", \"hue\": " + std::to_string(st.value.intValue);

Historically, you'd have to mess around with string streams:

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << st.value.intValue;
    result += ", \"hue\": " + ss.str();

Member reference base type 'int' is not a structure or union

int is a primitive type, it has no methods nor properties.

You are invoking str() on a member variable of type int and that's what the compiler is complaining about.

Integers cannot be implicitly converted to string, but you can used std::to_string() in C++11, lexical_cast from boost, or the old-slow approach of the stringstream.

std::string to_string(int i) {
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << i;
    return ss.str();


template <
    typename T
> std::string to_string_T(T val, const char *fmt ) {
    char buff[20]; // enough for int and int64
    int len = snprintf(buff, sizeof(buff), fmt, val);
    return std::string(buff, len);

static inline std::string to_string(int val) {
    return to_string_T(val, "%d");

And change the line to:

result += std::string(", \"hue\": ") + to_string(st.value.intValue);

