C# List<T>.ToArray performance is bad?

No that's not true. Performance is good since all it does is memory copy all elements (*) to form a new array.

Of course it depends on what you define as "good" or "bad" performance.

(*) references for reference types, values for value types.


In response to your comment, using Reflector is a good way to check the implementation (see below). Or just think for a couple of minutes about how you would implement it, and take it on trust that Microsoft's engineers won't come up with a worse solution.

public T[] ToArray()
    T[] destinationArray = new T[this._size];
    Array.Copy(this._items, 0, destinationArray, 0, this._size);
    return destinationArray;

Of course, "good" or "bad" performance only has a meaning relative to some alternative. If in your specific case, there is an alternative technique to achieve your goal that is measurably faster, then you can consider performance to be "bad". If there is no such alternative, then performance is "good" (or "good enough").


In response to the comment: "No re-construction of objects?" :

No reconstruction for reference types. For value types the values are copied, which could loosely be described as reconstruction.

Reasons to call ToArray()

  • If the returned value is not meant to be modified, returning it as an array makes that fact a bit clearer.
  • If the caller is expected to perform many non-sequential accesses to the data, there can be a performance benefit to an array over a List<>.
  • If you know you will need to pass the returned value to a third-party function that expects an array.
  • Compatibility with calling functions that need to work with .NET version 1 or 1.1. These versions don't have the List<> type (or any generic types, for that matter).

Reasons not to call ToArray()

  • If the caller ever does need to add or remove elements, a List<> is absolutely required.
  • The performance benefits are not necessarily guaranteed, especially if the caller is accessing the data in a sequential fashion. There is also the additional step of converting from List<> to array, which takes processing time.
  • The caller can always convert the list to an array themselves.

taken from here

Yes, it's true that it does a memory copy of all elements. Is it a performance problem? That depends on your performance requirements.

A List contains an array internally to hold all the elements. The array grows if the capacity is no longer sufficient for the list. Any time that happens, the list will copy all elements into a new array. That happens all the time, and for most people that is no performance problem.

E.g. a list with a default constructor starts at capacity 16, and when you .Add() the 17th element, it creates a new array of size 32, copies the 16 old values and adds the 17th.

The size difference is also the reason why ToArray() returns a new array instance instead of passing the private reference.