C++ destructor with return

[D]oes explicitly returning from the destructor mean that we don't ever want to destroy it?

No. An early return (via return; or throw ...) only means the rest of the body of the destructor is not executed. The base and members are still destroyed and their destructors still run, see [except.ctor]/3.

For an object of class type of any storage duration whose initialization or destruction is terminated by an exception, the destructor is invoked for each of the object's fully constructed subobjects...

See below for code samples of this behaviour.

I want to make it so that a certain object is destroyed only through another objects destructor i.e. only when the other object is ready to be destroyed.

It sounds like the question is rooted in the issue of ownership. Deleting the "owned" object only once the parent is destroyed in a very common idiom and achieved with one of (but not limited to);

  • Composition, it is an automatic member variable (i.e. "stack based")
  • A std::unique_ptr<> to express exclusive ownership of the dynamic object
  • A std::shared_ptr<> to express shared ownership of a dynamic object

Given the code example in the OP, the std::unique_ptr<> may be a suitable alternative;

class Class1 {
  // ...
  std::unique_ptr<Class2> myClass2;
  // ...

Class1::~Class1() {
    myClass2->status = FINISHED;
    // do not delete, the deleter will run automatically
    // delete myClass2;

Class2::~Class2() {
    //if (status != FINISHED)
    //  return;
    // We are finished, we are being deleted.

I note the if condition check in the example code. It hints at the state being tied to the ownership and lifetime. They are not all the same thing; sure, you can tie the object reaching a certain state to it's "logical" lifetime (i.e. run some cleanup code), but I would avoid the direct link to the ownership of the object. It may be a better idea to reconsider some of the semantics involved here, or allow the "natural" construction and destruction to dictate the object begin and end states.

Side note; if you have to check for some state in the destructor (or assert some end condition), one alternative to the throw is to call std::terminate (with some logging) if that condition is not met. This approach is similar to the standard behavior and result when an exception is thrown when unwinding the stack as a result of an already thrown exception. This is also the standard behavior when a std::thread exits with an unhandled exception.

[D]oes explicitly returning from the destructor mean that we don't ever want to destroy it?

No (see above). The following code demonstrates this behaviour; linked here and a dynamic version. The noexcept(false) is needed to avoid std::terminate() being called.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct NoisyBase {
    NoisyBase() { cout << __func__ << endl; }
    ~NoisyBase() { cout << __func__ << endl; }
    NoisyBase(NoisyBase const&) { cout << __func__ << endl; }
    NoisyBase& operator=(NoisyBase const&) { cout << __func__ << endl; return *this; }    
struct NoisyMember {
    NoisyMember() { cout << __func__ << endl; }
    ~NoisyMember() { cout << __func__ << endl; }
    NoisyMember(NoisyMember const&) { cout << __func__ << endl; }
    NoisyMember& operator=(NoisyMember const&) { cout << __func__ << endl; return *this; }    
struct Thrower : NoisyBase {
    Thrower() { cout << __func__ << std::endl; }
    ~Thrower () noexcept(false) {
        cout << "before throw" << endl;
        throw 42;
        cout << "after throw" << endl;
    NoisyMember m_;
struct Returner : NoisyBase {
    Returner() { cout << __func__ << std::endl; }
    ~Returner () noexcept(false) {
        cout << "before return" << endl;
        cout << "after return" << endl;
    NoisyMember m_;
int main()
    try {
        Thrower t;
    catch (int& e) {
        cout << "catch... " << e << endl;
        Returner r;

Has the following output;

before throw
catch... 42
before return

No, you can't prevent the object from being destroyed by return statement, it just means the execution of the dtor's body will end at that point. After that it still will be destroyed (including its members and bases), and the memory still will be deallocated.

You migth throw exception.

Class2::~Class2() noexcept(false) {
    if (status != FINISHED) throw some_exception();

Class1::~Class1() {
    myClass2->status = FINISHED;
    try {
        delete myClass2;
    } catch (some_exception& e) {
        // what should we do now?

Note it's a terrible idea indeed. You'd better to reconsider the design, I'm sure there must be a better one. Throwing exception won't stop the destruction of its bases and members, just make it possible to get the process result of Class2's dtor. And what could be done with it is still not clear.


means exactly the same as:

~Foo() {}

It is similar to a void function; reaching the end without a return; statement is the same as having return; at the end.

The destructor contains actions that are performed when the process of destroying a Foo has already begun. It's not possible to abort a destruction process without aborting the entire program.