C# - Binary reader in Big Endian?

I'm not usually one to answer my own questions, but I've accomplished exactly what I wanted with some simple code:

class BinaryReader2 : BinaryReader { 
    public BinaryReader2(System.IO.Stream stream)  : base(stream) { }

    public override int ReadInt32()
        var data = base.ReadBytes(4);
        return BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0);

    public Int16 ReadInt16()
        var data = base.ReadBytes(2);
        return BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 0);

    public Int64 ReadInt64()
        var data = base.ReadBytes(8);
        return BitConverter.ToInt64(data, 0);

    public UInt32 ReadUInt32()
        var data = base.ReadBytes(4);
        return BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0);


I knew that's what I wanted, but I didn't know how to write it. I found this page and it helped: http://www.codekeep.net/snippets/870c4ab3-419b-4dd2-a950-6d45beaf1295.aspx

IMHO a slightly better answer as it doesn't require a different class to be newed-up, makes the big-endian calls obvious and allows big- and little-endian calls to be mixed in the stream.

public static class Helpers
  // Note this MODIFIES THE GIVEN ARRAY then returns a reference to the modified array.
  public static byte[] Reverse(this byte[] b)
    return b;

  public static UInt16 ReadUInt16BE(this BinaryReader binRdr)
    return BitConverter.ToUInt16(binRdr.ReadBytesRequired(sizeof(UInt16)).Reverse(), 0);

  public static Int16 ReadInt16BE(this BinaryReader binRdr)
    return BitConverter.ToInt16(binRdr.ReadBytesRequired(sizeof(Int16)).Reverse(), 0);

  public static UInt32 ReadUInt32BE(this BinaryReader binRdr)
    return BitConverter.ToUInt32(binRdr.ReadBytesRequired(sizeof(UInt32)).Reverse(), 0);

  public static Int32 ReadInt32BE(this BinaryReader binRdr)
    return BitConverter.ToInt32(binRdr.ReadBytesRequired(sizeof(Int32)).Reverse(), 0);

  public static byte[] ReadBytesRequired(this BinaryReader binRdr, int byteCount)
    var result = binRdr.ReadBytes(byteCount);

    if (result.Length != byteCount)
      throw new EndOfStreamException(string.Format("{0} bytes required from stream, but only {1} returned.", byteCount, result.Length));

    return result;

I'm not familiar with STFS, but changing endianess is relatively easy. "Network Order" is big endian, so all you need to do is translate from network to host order.

This is easy because there's already code that does that. Look at IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder, as explained here: ntohs() and ntohl() equivalent?