Button vs. Clickable Div in HTML

<button> has some inbuild things that you may like, but also has some styling restrictions that not apply to <div>.

<button> can be focused, where <div> has to have tabindex attribute to make focus work. Pressing it can submit a form if configurated for ex. has built in onclick handler: <button onclick="submit()">

Usage of <button> applies to HTML5 document specyfication which puts divs in place of containers elevating role of contextual elements like <footer>, <section> and <button>.

In short I always use <div>s as can style it how I need and program them how I like, am not fancying predefined behaviours as they can vary on different browsers :)

Don't use <div> tags to make clickable elements. Use <a> or <button> elements. This enables browsers with JavaScript disabled to interact with them as expected. Even if your functionality requires JavaScript and there is no reasonable default behaviour you can assign to an <a>, use it regardless - it conveys "clickable" semantics.

In general, choose the tag that most closely describes the function of its content, not the appearance of its content, and avoid unnecessary <div> tags, lest your documents suffer from divitis.
