Bump right-aligned text to next line iff no room

You can encourage TeX not to break the lines with \linepenalty

enter image description here

    File:~#2\linebreak[0] % <-- Need space here
    %Space before \hspace* allows for a break before it
    \hspace*{\fill}\texttt{\small CONFIDENTIAL}% 

This is known in some inner circles as the Bourbaki problem. Here's an adaptation to your needs:


     \hfill\texttt{\small CONFIDENTIAL}%
     \parfillskip=0pt \finalhyphendemerits=0 \par}
  }% End of \parbox









enter image description here

How does this work? Look for "Bourbaki" in the source file of the TeXbook.

I guess your friend is \looseness=-1: http://www.tug.org/utilities/plain/cseq.html#looseness-rp

It doesn't provide ideal result (the break in the last example gets modified), but it seems to work quite well.

enter image description here


    File:~#2\ % <-- Need space here
    %Space before \hspace* allows for a break before it
    \hspace*{0pt plus 1fil}%
    \texttt{\small CONFIDENTIAL}% 

%    \noindent\parbox{\linewidth}{%
%       \raggedright
%       File:~\texttt{\EnableHyphenationInTexttt#2} % <-- Need space here
%       %Space before \hspace* allows for a break before it
%       \hspace*{\fill}\texttt{\small CONFIDENTIAL}% 
%    }%



