Bulk load data conversion error (truncation)

In addition to Wil's comments, it seems like it is seeing all 12 columns, so it may just be that your rowterminator is incorrect. First, make sure that the program that puts these files together is in fact putting a carriage return at the end of the last line; I've had to correct many programs where this wasn't the case. Once you are sure there is a carriage return there, you may have to experiment to see what type of carriage return it is. Sometimes it is char(10) only, sometimes char(13) only, and sometimes it may have both but be in the wrong order. So experiment with:


System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Bulk load data conversion error (truncation) for row 97, column 33

For the above error, you can check

  • Data type size of column(e.g. VARCHAR(255)) is if it is sufficient to import data or not.
  • AND the row terminator e.g.
    • ROWTERMINATOR = '0x0A'
    • ROWTERMINATOR = '\n'
    • ROWTERMINATOR = '\r\n'
    • Make sure the selected field terminator does not occur with in data. If there is a chance of it, then replace it with some other character e.g. | in the file.

It's picking up the commas within the comments field as delimiters, because the delimiters are not consistent. The best solution is to insure that all fields are wrapped with double quotes and set FIELDTERMINATOR to '","'. Alternately, replace the commas with something unlikely to be in the comments (like ~) and set FIELDTERMINATOR = '~'.