Build me some string stairs

Charcoal, 22 bytes

F⪪θ «↑⸿⸿FLι«M¬﹪κIη↙§ικ

Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:

  θ                      First input
 ⪪                      Split on spaces
F   «                   Loop over each word
     ↑⸿⸿                Move the cursor to the top row and two columns right*
          ι             Current word
         L              Length
        F  «            Loop over implicit range
               κ        Current index
                 η      Second input
                I       Cast to integer
              ﹪         Modulo
             ¬          Logical not
            M     ↙     Move that many characters down and left
                    ι   Current word
                     κ  Current index
                   §    Index into word and implicitly print

*More precisely, "move to the start of the next line twice, but as if the canvas was rotated." Edit: In between this challenge being set and this answer being accepted, Charcoal actually acquired a means of splitting a string into pairs of characters, reducing the code 16 bytes:
F⪪θ «↑⸿⸿F⪪ιIη«κ↙ Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation:

  θ                 First input
 ⪪                  Split on spaces
F   «               Loop over each word
     ↑⸿⸿            Move the cursor to the top row and two columns right
          ι         Current wordIη
            η       Second input
           I        Cast to integer
         ⪪          Split into substrings of that length
        F    «      Loop over each substring
              κ     Print the substring
               ↙    Move the cursor down and left

SOGL V0.12, 28 27 26 bytes


Try it Here!

I did implement while making this, but the documentation for it existed before.


ā                            push an empty array - the main canvas
 ,                           push the first input
  θ{                         for each word (pushing the word each time)
    0E                         set the variable E to 0
      ā;                       below the current word place an empty array - current word canvas
        {               }      for each character of the word
         ēb÷                     push (E++ // B) - note that E is incremented after being used
            eb‰                  push E positive modulo B - like regular modulo but in the 0 output case it gives B
               ⁴                 duplicate the item below ToS
                bH               push B-1
                  *              multiply [(E++ // B) and B-1]
                   +             add [that multiplication to E‰B] - current letters X position
                    I            increase the X position to have one leading space row
                     ;           swap top 2 items - current X position and (E++ // B)
                      I          increase to create current letters Y position
                       ž         in those positions insert the current letter in the current words canvas
                         ┼     append to main canvas current word canvas horizontally

Javascript ES6 , 187 183 174 166 163 148 145 143 141 140 138 bytes

  • for readability added some bytes in the code and removed them in the bytes count
  • instead of s="",j=0 i did j=s=""
  • instead of for(i in s) - regular for loop - removed 1 byte
  • using already generated values in the indexers of the arrays - removed 8 bytes
  • using already with value i= s.length (from the first loop) in the eval - instead of the real array length - causes trailing space which are allowed
  • using map of S instead of eval - reduces by 3 bytes
  • using fill instead on initializing empty array- so there is not need for the loop in the map result
  • could replace || with | - reduced by 2 bytes
  • thanks to @Justin Mariner - replace occurrences ==" " with <"!" reduces 2 bytes
  • moved the conditions from the a[I] to the other statement to reduces one " u<"!" " - reduces 2 bytes
  • instead of (I+=2,j=0) - j=!(I+=2) - reduced 1 byte
  • "for of" instead of for
    for(u of s)
    a=R[z=u<"!"?j=!(I+=2):(j%n&&I++,j++/n|0)]=R[z]||[...s].fill` `,a[I]=u
    console.log(F("This is a large string", 3));
    console.log(F("This is an even larger string!", 2));
    console.log(F("Ooooh dear, what a big string you have!", 3));
    console.log(F("Staphylococcus saprophyticus", 4));
    console.log(F("I hope you find this challenge interesting", 2));
    console.log(F("Well, this test case looks kinda pointless now doesn't it?", 15));
    console.log(F("This one looks a lot more interesting!", 1))
    console.log(F("Keep in mind, people: 'Punctuation! Does! Matter!'", 2));