Build a 3rd party library from source within an existing Qt project

Yes, you need to create a project file for it. You can find my version below what I used for several projects.

QT       -= core gui

TARGET = zlib
# Use this for static zlib rather than the default dynamic
# CONFIG += staticlib


    $$PWD/crc32.h \
    $$PWD/deflate.h \
    $$PWD/gzguts.h \
    $$PWD/inffast.h \
    $$PWD/inffixed.h \
    $$PWD/inflate.h \
    $$PWD/inftrees.h \
    $$PWD/trees.h \
    $$PWD/zconf.h \
    $$PWD/zlib.h \

    $$PWD/adler32.c \
    $$PWD/compress.c \
    $$PWD/crc32.c \
    $$PWD/deflate.c \
    $$PWD/gzclose.c \
    $$PWD/gzlib.c \
    $$PWD/gzread.c \
    $$PWD/gzwrite.c \
    $$PWD/infback.c \
    $$PWD/inffast.c \
    $$PWD/inflate.c \
    $$PWD/inftrees.c \
    $$PWD/trees.c \
    $$PWD/uncompr.c \


Then in the project file including this one, you can do something like this:

# CONFIG += order # If you wanna make sure about order. This is optional.

    zlib \

If you wanna go even a bit more advanced with qmake, you can do something like this:

    src_zlib \
    src_mylib \

src_zlib.subdir = $$PWD/zlib = sub-zlib
src_zlib.depends =

src_mylib.subdir = $$PWD/mylib = sub-mylib
src_mylib.depends = src_zlib

As you can see this way, you would have a lot more reasonable control among the dependencies regardless the order set. For instance, you could still keep the entries in alphabetical order which is helpful with proper maintenance in the long run.

Then, you will need a line like this in the project file (.pro) of your subproject, let us say "foo", which depends on zlib.


# These lines are only option, and you do not necessarily need them.
# win32:LIBNAME = zlib.dll
# unix:LIBNAME =

Following are instructions for adding a 3rd party repository to your Qt project and building it from source.

Some are able to add such libraries via Qt Creator, but I could never get that to work. So these are instructions on how to create the necessary .pro and .pri files instead. In this post, I will use zlib as an example, although other libraries should be similar.

Setup Build Order

Since your application depends on this library, we need to ensure that the library is built first. To do this, the 3rd party library and the source code for your application should be in sibling directories.

~/myApp $ ls myApp
src zlib

You probably already have a file that correctly builds your application. I recommend renaming it to, and you'll see why in the next step.

mv src/ src/

Now you can create a new in the root directory.

~/myApp $ touch
~/myApp $ ls src zlib

This is a rather simple .pro file that merely says "build zlib before myApp."

# ~/myApp/
TEMPLATE = subdirs
CONFIG += ordered   # This tells Qt to compile the following SUBDIRS in order
SUBDIRS = zlib src

Create Library .pro File

Now we need to tell Qt how to build our 3rd party library. We do this by creating a new .pro file:

# ~/myApp/zlib/
TARGET = z            # The name of the output library - can be whatever you want
TEMPLATE = lib        # Tells Qt that we are compiling a library so the output will be bundled into a .a or .so file
CONFIG += staticlib   # Tells Qt that we want a static library, so a .a file. Remove this and you will get a .so file

QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON -= -Wall   # Optional - disable warnings when compiling this library
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON -= -Wall # Optional - disable warnings when compiling this library

    crc32.h \
    deflate.h \
    gzguts.h \
    inffast.h \
    inffixed.h \
    inflate.h \
    inftrees.h \
    trees.h \
    zconf.h \
    zlib.h \

    adler32.c \
    compress.c \
    crc32.c \
    deflate.c \
    gzclose.c \
    gzlib.c \
    gzread.c \
    gzwrite.c \
    infback.c \
    inffast.c \
    inflate.c \
    inftrees.c \
    trees.c \
    uncompr.c \

If you are building something other than zlib, just change TARGET to the name of the library, and replace the contents of HEADERS and SOURCES with the files that need to be compiled for your library.

You can go ahead now and test out this .pro file.

~/myApp/zlib/ $ qmake
~/myApp/zlib/ $ make
~/myApp/zlib/ $ ls libz.a


Link The Library Into Your Application

Finally, we need to update the .pro file of your application to link in the 3rd party library. There are two parts to this:

  1. Add library header files to your include path so the compiler can get the defined symbols from there.
  2. Link the static (or shared) library during compile and linking time so the applicable object code can get linked into your application.

First, we'll add the header files into the include path. Add this line to


This allows you to reference zlib.h in your code like so:

#include "zlib.h"

Otherwise, you would have to specify the full relative path of the header like this:

#include "zlib/zlib.h"

If you're fine with the second method, then there should be no need to update the INCLUDEPATH variable.

Second, we need to add the arguments the linker needs to find the static (or shared) library itself. Add this line to

LIBS += -L$$PWD/../zlib -lz

The first part (-L$$PWD/../zlib) says that the folder containing the library is at ../zlib, which should be correct since zlib is a sibling folder to src. The second part (-lz) says that the name of the library is z. The linker infers from this that the library is actually located in the file libz.a.


At this point, you may have to clean your build by doing a make distclean. But from there you should be able to build your project with the 3rd party library included by going to your base directory and running qmake and make.

cd ~/myApp
qmake -r

Note: Big thanks go to @LaszloPapp for getting this process started. Much of the source material for this answer came from his answer.