Bug With Firefox - Disabled Attribute of Input Not Resetting When Refreshing

To deal with the back button, do this (from here)

    window.addEventListener('pageshow', PageShowHandler, false);
    window.addEventListener('unload', UnloadHandler, false);

    function PageShowHandler() {
        window.addEventListener('unload', UnloadHandler, false);

    function UnloadHandler() {
        //enable button here
        window.removeEventListener('unload', UnloadHandler, false);

This is a "feature" of Firefox which remembers form input values across page refreshes. To fix this behavior, you simply set autocomplete="off" on the form containing the inputs, or just directly to the input.

This stops autocomplete from working and prevents the browser from remembering the state of input fields.

Alternatively, you can just "hard-refresh" by clicking CTRL+F5. This will completely reset the current page.