broken toFixed implementation

This is because of floating-point errors.

Compare (8.575).toFixed(20) with (8.575).toFixed(3) and imagine this proposition: 8.575 < real("8.575"), where real is an imaginary function that creates a real number with infinite precision.

That is, the original number is not as expected and the inaccuracy has already been introduced.

One quick "workabout" I can think of is: Multiply by 1000 (or as appropriate), get the toFixed(0) of that (still has a limit, but it's absurd), then shove back in the decimal form.

Happy coding.

Thanks for the answer pst. My implementation almost worked, but didn't in some cases because of floating point errors.

this line in my function is the culprit: Math.round(this * factor)

(it's on the Number.prototype, so "this" is the number); 8.575 * 100 comes out to 857.4999999999999, which in turn rounds down. this is corrected by changing the line to read as follows: Math.round(Math.round(this * factor * 100) / 100)

My entire workaround is now changed to:

Number.prototype.toFixed = function(decimalPlaces) {
    var factor = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces || 0);
    var v = (Math.round(Math.round(this * factor * 100) / 100) / factor).toString();
    if (v.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
        return v + factor.toString().substr(v.length - v.indexOf('.'));
    return v + '.' + factor.toString().substr(1);

A consistent solution would be to add a fixed tolerance (epsilon) to each number before rounding. It should be small, but not too small.

For example, with an eps = 1e-9, this:

console.log((8.555).toFixed(2));    // returns 8.56
console.log((8.565).toFixed(2));    // returns 8.57
console.log((8.575).toFixed(2));    // returns 8.57
console.log((8.585).toFixed(2));    // returns 8.59

Becomes this:

console.log((8.555 + eps).toFixed(2));    // returns 8.56
console.log((8.565 + eps).toFixed(2));    // returns 8.57
console.log((8.575 + eps).toFixed(2));    // returns 8.58
console.log((8.585 + eps).toFixed(2));    // returns 8.59

