Broken Pipe when Using Python Multiprocessing Managers (BaseManager/SyncManager) to Share Queue with Remote Machines

FYI In case anyone else runs by this same error, after extensive consulting with Ask Solem and Jesse Noller of Python's core dev team, it looks like this is actually a bug in current python 2.6.x (and possibly 2.7+ and possibly 3.x). They are looking at possible solutions and a fix will probably be included in a future version of Python.

I have suffered from the same problem, even if connecting on localhost in python 2.7.1. After a day of debugging i found the cause and a workaround:

Cause: BaseProxy class has thread local storage which caches the connection, which is reused for future connections causing "broken pipe" errors even on creating a new Manager

Workaround: Delete the cached connection before reconnecting. Add the code to a try-except clause on the line which raises the exception, and then retry it.

from multiprocessing.managers import BaseProxy


if address in BaseProxy._address_to_local:
    del BaseProxy._address_to_local[address][0].connection

The address is the hostname/ip used to connect to the multiprocessing Manager. If you have not explicitly set it, it should usually be "localhost"