break an long line in an algorithm

Something like this, with adjustable indentation. The solution defines a new command called \myindent constituted with \newline and \makebox{#1}{}, taking one argument for length.

enter image description here


out := foo(x$\rightarrow$child[which]

Setting the breakable portion in a \parbox of sufficient width allows you to break it at will as well as properly align the content:

enter image description here

  \texttt{out} $\vcentcolon=$ \textsc{foo}($\texttt{x} \rightarrow \texttt{child[which]}$, $\langle 1,0,0,\texttt{old} \rangle$, $\langle 0,0,0,\texttt{new} \rangle$\;
  \texttt{out} $\vcentcolon=$ \textsc{foo}(\parbox[t]{.6\linewidth}{%
    $\texttt{x} \rightarrow \texttt{child[which]}$, \\
    $\langle 1,0,0,\texttt{old} \rangle$, \\
    $\langle 0,0,0,\texttt{new} \rangle$)\;}

You can define a new command \WRP like that:

\STATE This line\WRP needs to be wrapped

Syntax: \newcommand{\name}[args]{definition}

Note: Make sure the command isn't already defined.


Line wrap in algorithm