Breadboard and Circuit Confusion

enter image description here

Figure 1. What you've got. (1) V+, (2) switch and (3) GND.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 2. (a) What you did in photo 1. (b) What you did in photo 2.

In Figure 2b if you press the button you short circuit the power supply.

You must connect pin 8 of the device to ground before anything reasonable will happen. You have connected pin 16 to 5V but you must also connect pin 8 to ground...the negative end of your power supply.

What you are experiencing is the difference between a strong pull down and a weak pull down...

Even though I rarely ever advocate for it and it is a dead project by now if I am not mistaken Frizing might be a good segway into electronics for you.

