Border in shape xml

It looks like you forgot the prefix on the color attribute. Try

 <stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="#ff00ffff"/>

If you want make a border in a shape xml. You need to use:

For the external border,you need to use:


For the internal background,you need to use:


If you want to set corners,you need to use:


If you want a padding betwen border and the internal elements,you need to use:


Here is a shape xml example using the above items. It works for me

<shape xmlns:android=""> 
  <stroke android:width="2dp" android:color="#D0CFCC" /> 
  <solid android:color="#F8F7F5" /> 
  <corners android:radius="10dp" />
  <padding android:left="2dp" android:top="2dp" android:right="2dp" android:bottom="2dp" />