bootstrap-tagsinput form submited on press enter key

Go to tagsinput.js

Find line:

self.$container.on('keypress', 'input', $.proxy(function(event) {

Before the end of this function add following:

if (event.which == 13) {
    return false; // dont submit form !!

Enter key is register for postback form . that's why a case has been happened that when you hit 'enter' key it trigger the 'postback' event so the form goes to submitted . solution : on page load reserve the enter key for tag input :

@using (Html.BeginForm("ActionName", "ControllerName", FormMethod.Post, new { onkeydown = "return event.keyCode!=13" }))

if using mvc framework this is a simple example .

Try this:

$('.bootstrap-tagsinput input').keydown(function( event ) {
    if ( event.which == 13 ) {
        return false;

First, you'll want to map 'Enter' to your tagsinput's confirmkeys option, then you'll need to call preventDefault() on your enter key to prevent the form from being submitted. In my solution, it only prevents submission by enter key while the user is focused in the tags input field.

To add a bit of redundancy, I also re-map the enter key to a comma in the input field, just to be sure.

    confirmKeys: [13, 188]

  $('#tags-input input').on('keypress', function(e){
    if (e.keyCode == 13){
      e.keyCode = 188;

Just also an FYI, Enter key is mapped as 13, and comma is 188 in JS.