Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher

Type $.fn.jquery in your console and tell us what numbers it says. You probably have a second version running somewhere.

Bootstrap v3.3.6 isn't compatible with the jQuery 3.0. This will be fixed in the upcoming Bootstrap version 3.3.7. Here's the issue currently open on GitHub.

In my case(Bootstrap) the issue was, having the JQuery 3.0.0 which is also not fine, So using a version which is an earlier version like 2.2.4.

The Error i got was: Bootstrap's JavaScript requires jQuery version 1.9.1 or higher, but lower than version 3

Using any of these CDN below as the source would help if this is the case!

jQuery version 2.2.4:

Hope this helped at least someone!.. :)

Thank you!