Bootstrap dropdown clipped by overflow:hidden container, how to change the container?

if anyone interested in a workaround for this, bootstrap dropdown has a event you may use to move the dropdown element outside the overflow:hidden container.

$('.dropdown').on('', function() {
    position: 'absolute',
    left: $('.dropdown').offset().left,
    top: $('.dropdown').offset().top

there is also a event if you prefer to move the element back to where it belongs once the dropdown is closed:

$('.dropdown').on('', function() {
    position: false,
    left: false,
    top: false

Here is a working example:

Change the div property to overflow:visible;, or Set Position:absolute; on .dropdown class like

.bs-example .dropdown{position:absolute;}

See the Working Code:

My solution was to use static positioning on the dropdown. I had the dropdown inside a bootstrap table with overflow hidden.

<div class="table" style="overflow: hidden;">
  <div class="dropdown" style="position: static;">
    <div class="dropdown-menu">...</div>

It didn't work with your fiddle, however. So I'm not sure if my solution had something to do with bootstrap tables. Regardless, perhaps it will give someone something new to try.