Bluetooth Low Energy on Android Emulator

It seems you can, using Android inside a VirtualBox and using a PC dongle supporting Bluetooth LE (costs about 18$ on Amazon). Here's the tutorial by Chris Larson (copied here to keep it online):

Android emulators are great for developing BluetoothLE applications. The trick is getting the Android emulator to recognize the BluetoothLE adapter.

What you'll need:

  • Androidx86 iso from I used the 4.4 release candidate
  • Virtual Machine software: I used Oracle VirtualBox
  • A BluetoothLE USB adapter: I used the Cirago Bluetooth 4.0 USB Mini Adapter (BTA8000)(affilate link) or Cirago Bluetooth 4.0 USB Mini Adapter (BTA8000) (non-affilate link)
  • Install Android SDK for debugging
  • Install VirtualBox
  • Download Androidx86
  • Open VirtualBox and create a new machine. Set type to linux/other(32bit)
  • Set the virtual machine's memory and harddrive space to whatever you need (but at least the minimum specs for Android).
  • When asked for the OS image, select the Androidx86 image you download from
  • When the virtual machine boots, choose to install Android.
  • When the installation completes, shutdown the Android virtual machine and unmount the iso image
  • Plug in the Bluetooth USB adapter and add it to the Android Virtual Machine's settings
  • Start the Android Virtual Machine and go through the start-up screens to configure Android for use
  • In the Android VM go to the settings and enable BluetoothLE (if this fails reboot the VM and try to enable again)

Here are a few other links describing more or less the same method, and a few other tools that can be of interest to you:

  • a set of opensource tools to develop Bluetooth LE apps on Android: and

And if you want this issue to be solved by Google, you can star this thread to make it more visible (with enough votes, Google will tackle it in a few years, as they did with audio issues...):

Using the Emulator said that

Emulator Limitations

The functional limitations of the emulator include:

No support for placing or receiving actual phone calls. You can simulate phone calls (placed and received) through the emulator console, however.

No support for USB connections

No support for device-attached headphones

No support for determining network connected state

No support for determining battery charge level and AC charging state

No support for determining SD card insert/eject

No support for Bluetooth
