Bitcoin Research

Two papers with real world monetary implications:

Two Bitcoins at the Price of One? Double-Spending Attacks on Fast Payments in Bitcoin

Don't know if this is fixed in the current implementation.

An Analysis of Anonymity in the Bitcoin System


At the time of theft, the stolen Bitcoins had a market value of approximately half a million U.S. dollars. We chose this case study to illustrate the potential risks to the anonymity of a user (the thief) who has good reason to remain anonymous.


Bitcoin related news from popular media.

MtGox declared bankruptcy last week, taking more than $US400m worth of Bitcoin with it.

Bitcoin bank Flexcoin pulls plug after cyber-robbers nick $610,000 Your money is gone. Kthxbye

there is a nice preprint server, widely used by cryptographic researchers: If you do a search, there are some papers talking more or less about bitcoin. I guess "Decentralized anonymous credentials" is a good begin for your student. This is indeed a well known area of research, and is the main point of bitcoins (with mining).

You may take a look at Google Scholar there are many references dealing with bitcoins, probably some mathematical with a large interest.