Binding object data source with nested list objects in RDLC

I solved this by making my object retun as a flat list of anonymous object having all the properties of contact as well as the additional properties of parent object. Then in the RDLC report, added a table and bound the properties of contact object and then added a groups to the parent properties.

Summary is for making such layout you need to add grouping.

You really don't have to flatten your objects. Instead you can bind multiple datasets to report. Then you can assign multiple report data source to your report via code. Here is the working sample:

List<Loan> loans = new List<Loan>();

LocalReport report = new LocalReport();
report.ReportPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/bin/Report/Receipt.rdlc");

ReportDataSource loanDetailsDataSource = new ReportDataSource();
loanDetailsDataSource.Name = "LoanDataSet"; //This refers to the dataset name in the RDLC file
loanDetailsDataSource.Value = loans;

ReportDataSource loanItemsDataSource = new ReportDataSource();
loanItemsDataSource.Name = "LoanItemsDataSet";
loanItemsDataSource.Value = loans[0].loanItems;

ReportDataSource principalPaymentDataSource = new ReportDataSource();
principalPaymentDataSource.Name = "PrincipalPaymentDataSet";
principalPaymentDataSource.Value = loans[0].principalPayments;

ReportDataSource interestPaymentDataSource = new ReportDataSource();
interestPaymentDataSource.Name = "InterestPaymentDataSet";
interestPaymentDataSource.Value = loans[0].interestPayments;

Hope this will help someone !


