Bind JSON object to radio button in angularjs

Apparently, getting a radio group to work inside an ng-repeat can be a bit tricky. The issue is with the ng-repeat creating its own child scope. One solution is to bind the model to the $parent. This thread gives an example.

I also created a working fiddle that more closely resembles your example.

In essence, I think your html is the only point that needs reworking:

  <tr ng-repeat="theCustomer in customers">
    <td><input type="radio" ng-model="$parent.currentCustomer" name="foo" value="{{theCustomer}}" id="{{}}">{{}}</td>

<input type="radio" ng-model="$parent.currentCustomer" name="foo" ng-value="theCustomer" id="{{}}">{{}}</td>

The key here is the ng-value="theCustomer. This is how angular knows which object is selected. The html value only knows string values and cannot map to objects.

If you insert the above code, the radio will reflect the model, even if it is changed programatically. Also, you can't forget the $parent in the ng-model because the ng-repeat creates a new scope.

