Better automatic spacing of differential d?

\operatorname turns d into an operator. If an ordinary math atom follows (x), then TeX sets a thin space that is negated by \!. However, TeX does not set a space after an operator if the following math atom belongs to categories "open", "close", "punct", or "inner" (\scriptstyle/\scriptscriptstyle). A fix would be to add an empty math ord atom (\mathord{} or an empty sub formula {}), then TeX always sets a thin space, canceled by \!. Macro \der behaves on the left-hand side as an operator and on its right-hand side as an ordinary math atom. Now both cases work as expected:

  \der(x^7) \quad \der x



The d can be put both in the operator atom or the ordinary atom, as suggested in the comment of Manuel and the comment of egreg (without \mathrm):


Fonts for d

  • \lim, \sin and friends are using the font \operator@font. Package amsmath then provides macro \operatorname. But the former can also be used without an additional package:

      \mathop{\kern\z@\operator@font d}\!{}%

    \kern\z@ prevents that \mathop centers the symbol.

    Or with d in the ordinary atom:

      \mathop{}\!{\operator@font d}%
  • Font \mathrm is easier to use (no @ in the name):


    or a little more complex, again the \kern prevents vertical centering:

  • The italics variant:



      \mathop{\kern0pt d}\!{}%


Packages are written by good and nice people keeping lazy and ignorant people like me in mind. Instead of re-inventing things, it is better start finding a suitable package and use it. In this case, physics package (as noted by Johannes) offers \dd macro. A screen shot of the relevant part of the physics documentation:

enter image description here

And a sample code:

  \dd(x^7) \quad \dd x

enter image description here