Best way to rename MainWindow

  1. Get ReSharper
  2. Use Rename
  3. ????
  4. Profit

I cannot think of a better way. An alternative which may result in less steps could be to create a new window and then set the StartupUri to the name of your new window.

It is then up to you whether you want to keep MainWindow or delete it (which would make sense if you are not using it at all).

Visual C# 2010 Express Has a built in option to solve this.You can see the menu bar has an option "Refactor" where you can see two sub-menu Rename and Refactor.To change any name you just have to take the cursor on the name(Calculater in image) and click right button.Then go to Refactor and click Rename.You will see a dialog box comes and then you put the new name you want to give to your attribute.

enter image description here