best way to handler trigger Recursive call

So as @cropredy suggested using static map instead this is what I tried. I used static set to solve this issue.

I can't say this is the best solution or not but this is working.

may me some usecases will be there please feel free to comment on this post.

So I used set of Id static variable.


trigger RN_Account on Account (after update) 
   RN_AccountHandler handler = new RN_AccountHandler();

   if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate && !RN_AccountHandler.setAccountIds.containsAll(Trigger.newMap.KeySet())) 
      handler.onAfterUpdate(Trigger.newMap, Trigger.OldMap);


public with sharing class RN_AccountHandler 
    public static set<Id> setAccountIds = new set<Id>();

    public void onAfterUpdate(map<Id, Account> mapNewAccount, map<Id, Account> mapOldAccount)
       update [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN: mapNewAccount.keyset()];

One more solution

IN controller after execution just make the boolean to true


trigger RN_Account on Account (after update) 
    RN_AccountHandler handler = new RN_AccountHandler();
    if(Trigger.isAfter && Trigger.isUpdate && RN_AccountHandler.isUpdate)
        RN_AccountHandler.isUpdate = false;
        handler.onAfterUpdate(Trigger.newMap, Trigger.OldMap);


public with sharing class RN_AccountHandler 
    public static Boolean isUpdate = true;
    public void onAfterUpdate(map<Id, Account> mapNewAccount, map<Id, Account> mapOldAccount)
        update [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Id IN: mapNewAccount.keyset()];
        RN_AccountHandler.isUpdate = true;