Best way to follow a log and execute a command when some text appears in the log

A simple way would be awk.

tail -f /path/to/serverLog | awk '
                    /Printer is on fire!/ { system("shutdown -h now") }
                    /new USB high speed/  { system("echo \"New USB\" | mail admin") }'

And yes, both of those are real messages from a kernel log. Perl might be a little more elegant to use for this and can also replace the need for tail. If using perl, it will look something like this:

open(my $fd, "<", "/path/to/serverLog") or die "Can't open log";
while(1) {
    if(eof $fd) {
        sleep 1;
    my $line = <$fd>;
    if($line =~ /Printer is on fire!/) {
        system("shutdown -h now");
    } elsif($line =~ /new USB high speed/) {
        system("echo \"New USB\" | mail admin");

If you're only looking for one possibility and want to stay mostly in the shell rather than using awk or perl, you could do something like:

tail -F /path/to/serverLog | 
grep --line-buffered 'server is up' | 
while read ; do my_command ; done

...which will run my_command every time "server is up" appears in the log file. For multiple possibilities, you could maybe drop the grep and instead use a case within the while.

The capital -F tells tail to watch for the log file to be rotated; i.e. if the current file gets renamed and another file with the same name takes its place, tail will switch over to the new file.

The --line-buffered option tells grep to flush its buffer after every line; otherwise, my_command may not be reached in a timely fashion (assuming the logs have reasonably sized lines).

This question appears to be answered already, but I think there's a better solution.

Rather than tail | whatever, I think what you really want is swatch. Swatch is a program designed explicitly for doing what you're asking, watching a log file and executing actions based on log lines. Using tail|foo will require that you've got a terminal actively running to do this. Swatch on the other hand runs as a daemon and will always be watching your logs. Swatch is available in all Linux distros,

I encourage you to try it out. While you can pound a nail in with the back side of a screwdriver does not mean you should.

The best 30-second tutorial on swatch I could find is here.