Best practice for polling an AWS SQS queue and deleting received messages from queue?

The long-polling capability of the receive_message() method is the most efficient way to poll SQS. If that returns without any messages, I would recommend a short delay before retrying, especially if you have multiple readers. You may want to even do an incremental delay so that each subsequent empty read waits a bit longer, just so you don't end up getting throttled by AWS.

And yes, you do have to delete the message after you have read or it will reappear in the queue. This can actually be very useful in the case of a worker reading a message and then failing before it can fully process the message. In that case, it would be re-queued and read by another worker. You also want to make sure the invisibility timeout of the messages is set to be long enough the the worker has enough time to process the message before it automatically reappears on the queue. If necessary, your workers can adjust the timeout as they are processing if it is taking longer than expected.

If you want a simple way to set up a listener that includes automatic deletion of messages when they're finished being processed, and automatic pushing of exceptions to a specified queue, you can use the pySqsListener package.

You can set up a listener like this:

from sqs_listener import SqsListener

class MyListener(SqsListener):
    def handle_message(self, body, attributes, messages_attributes):
        run_my_function(body['param1'], body['param2']

listener = MyListener('my-message-queue', 'my-error-queue')

There is a flag to switch from short polling to long polling - it's all documented in the README file.

Disclaimer: I am the author of said package.

Another option is to setup a worker application using AWS Beanstalk as described in this blogpost.

Instead of long polling using boto3, your flask application receives the message as a json object in a HTTP post. The HTTP path and type of message being set are configurable in the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Configuration tab:

enter image description here

AWS Elastic Beanstalk has the added benefit of being able to dynamically scale the number of workers as a function of the size of your SQS queue, along with its deployment management benefits.

This is an example application that I found useful as a template.