Best place to store authentication tokens client side

There are two ways you can save authentication information in the browser:

  1. Cookies
  2. HTML5 Web Storage

In each case, you have to trust that browsers are implemented correctly, and that Website A can't somehow access the authentication information for Website B. In that sense, both storage mechanisms are equally secure. Problems can arise in terms of how you use them though.

If you use cookies:

  • The browser will automatically send the authentication information with every request to the API. This can be convenient so long as you know it's happening.
  • You have to remember that CSRF is a thing, and deal with it.

If you use HTML5 Web Storage:

  • You have to write Javascript that manages exactly what authentication information is sent to the API.

A big practical difference people care about is that with cookies, you have to worry about CSRF. To handle CSRF properly, you need an additional "synchronizer token".

All-in-one web frameworks (like Grails, Rails, probably usually provide an easy way to enable CSRF protection, and automatically add synchronizer token stuff in your UI. But if you're writing a UI using a client-side-only web framework (like AngularJS or BackboneJS), you're going to have to write some Javascript to manage the synchronizer token. So in that case you might as well just go with the HTML5 Web Storage approach and only worry about one token.

The best way to protect your access token is to not store it client-side at all.

How does that work? Well at the point of generating the access token, generate some other cryptographically secure PRNG (which you map to the access token on the server), map this to the users session ID and return this to the client instead.

This will reduce the attack area because what you are now returning is a token tied to a session, and both would be required in order to authorise the token. When the session expires so does the token, naturally, and the user would be forced to re-authenticate thus generating a new access token.

It's still not 100% secure, however, you need to weigh up the possibility of something like that happening within a users session. Based on that, you can then tweak your session/token expiry times to suit, although you also need to be wary of usability - you don't want to be expiring sessions after 5 minutes as having to log back in constantly can be tedious (or maybe you can, depends on the type of application).