Beamer vs. Minted: overlays

After some trial and error the following is the only solution that works for me:





Unfortunately, there is no obvious way to make this work due to the way minted works internally. In fact, it is vital that the code is not parsed by TeX in the usual way.

There might be some trickery possible to circumvent this but for now I suggest that the easiest way to approximate the desired behaviour is to use multiple sequential minted environments:


Though to be honest I’m not certain if this even works.

I can add that @VZ.'s solution also works if you want to "single-step" some code (in my case, C code with pointers) together with illustrations using tikzpicture. The "obvious" solution did not work, neither did using escapeinside due to a bug in pygments (see In the solution below, highlightlines is used to highlight the current instruction. Too bad the actual C code need to be duplicate - but hey, it works!

  int main(void) {
    char *p;
    p=(char *)malloc(5);
    /* do stuff */
    p=(char *)malloc(7);
    return 0;
  int main(void) {
    char *p;
    p=(char *)malloc(5);
    /* do stuff */
    p=(char *)malloc(7);
    return 0;
  \node<1->[rectangle,draw] (p) {p};
  \node<1->[rectangle,draw,right of=p] (q1) {q1};
  \draw<1>[->] (p) -- (q1);
  \uncover<2->{\node[rectangle,draw,below right of=p] (q2) {q2};};
  \draw<2->[->] (p) -- (q2);