Beamer text and image on the same slide

Use the columns environment to divide the slide into two columns. Then use \includegraphics to insert your image:

\frametitle{A frame}
     \begin{block}{Your textblock}
% Your text here
    \begin{block}{Your image}
% Your image included here
    \includegraphics[<options, e.g. width=\textwidth>]{<your image file>}

With minipage

You can also do this using a minipage:

animation of the items and the image appearing

Here's the corresponding LaTeX code where the image appears at the same time¹ as the third text item:


% No "Figure:" prefix for image captions

% Define appearance of the slides


% Some themes don't include the slide number
\setbeamerfont{page number in head/foot}{size=\small}
\setbeamercolor{page number in head/foot}{fg=ming}
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[frame number]

\setbeamercolor{itemize item}{fg=ming}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}[circle]

% No navigation symbols at the slides' bottom

% Insert a pause after every item.
% Show an item immediately by adding <.->

  \frametitle{A test with images}
  \framesubtitle{The image appears with the third item}
      \item don't show the image yet
      \item wait for it...
      \item show the image now
      \item keep showing the image
      \item keep showing the image still
  \end{minipage} \hfill
    % Show the image at item three and afterwards
        % From
        \caption{here's the image!}

It's \uncover that allows to show elements when we reach a certain item in the presentation.

¹ Synchronizing the appearance of the image with an item is something I couldn't figure out using columns.