Bcrypt for password hashing because it is slow?

It takes more effort to brute force attack the password. The slower the algorithm, the less guesses can be made per second. The extra time won't be noticed by a user of the system, but will make it harder to crack the password.

Because if it takes more time to hash the value, it also takes a much longer time to brute-force the password.

Keep in mind that slow means that it requires more computing power. The same goes for when a potential hacker tries to brute-force a password.

On your side, the password hash needs to be computed rather rarely. But an attacker who tries to brute force a password from a stolen hash, relies on computing as many hashes as possible.

So, if your login now takes 100 ms instead of 0.1 (probably less) that's not really a problem for you. But it makes a huge difference for an attacker if he needs 2000 days to break a password instead of 2 days.

bcrypt is designed to be slow and not to allow any shortcut.


