Bash script detecting change in files from a directory

You can use inotify-tools definitely from command line, e.g. like this :

inotifywait -r  -m /dir/to/monitor/

From man inotifywait

-m, --monitor

Instead of exiting after receiving a single event, execute indefinitely. The default behavior is to exit after the first event occurs.

And here is a script that monitors continuously, copied from the man file of inotifywait :

while inotifywait -e modify /var/log/messages; do
  if tail -n1 /var/log/messages | grep apache; then
    kdialog --msgbox "Blah blah Apache"

As others have explained, using inotify is the better solution. I'll just explain why your script fails. First of all, no matter what language you are programming in, whenever you try to debug something, the first rule is "print all the variables":

$ ls
file1  file2  file3
$ echo $PWD    
$ for FILE in "${PWD}/*"; do echo "$FILE"; done

So, as you can see above, $FILE is actually expanded to $PWD/*. Therefore, the loop is only run once on the string /home/terdon/foo/* and not on each of the files in the directory individually. Then, the md5sum command becomes:

md5sum /home/terdon/foo/*

In other words, it runs md5sum on all files in the target directory at once and not on each of them.

The problem is that you are quoting your glob expansion and that stops it from being expanded:

$ echo "*"
$ echo *
file1 file2 file3

While variables should almost always be quoted, globs shouldn't since that makes them into strings instead of globs.

What you meant to do is:

for FILE in "${PWD}"/*; do ...

However, there is no reason to use $PWD here, it's not adding anything useful. The line above is equivalent to:

for FILE in *; do

Also, avoid using CAPITAL letters for shell variables. Those are used for the system-set environmental variables and it is better to keep your own variables in lower case.

With all this in mind, here's a working, improved version of your script:

for file in *
    sum1="$(md5sum "$file")"
    sleep 2
    sum2="$(md5sum "$file")"
    if [ "$sum1" = "$sum2" ];
        echo "Identical"
        echo "Different"

You can use the inotify-tools package to monitor all changes in a folder in real time. For example, it contains the inotifywait tool, which you could use like :

> inotifywait /tmp
Setting up watches.
Watches established.
/tmp/ MODIFY test

You can use flags to filter certain events only or certain files. The inotifywatch tool collects filesystem usage statistics and outputs counts of each inotify event.

You can find more examples here for instance.

If you want to monitor with other tools, you can use find with the -mmin parameter (modified minutes). Since 2 seconds is like 0.033 minutes, you could use :

find . -type f -mmin 0.033