Bash: delete from cursor till end of line with a keyboard shortcut

Use Ctrl+K to delete from the cursor to the end of the line.

Use Ctrl+U to delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line.

It depends on whether you are using vi(set -o vi) or emacs(set -o emacs) editing mode within your shell.

By default, your shell generally defaults to emacs editing mode.

  • In emacs mode, deleting to the end of the line can be accomplished by using the command ctrl-k.

  • If, however, you happen to be using vi editing mode in your command shell, the same result can be accomplished by typing Esc(which will place you in command mode) followed by d-$(if you want to delete the entire line, enter dd).

If you are uncertain as to which editing mode that you are currently using in your shell, enter the command set -o from the command line and you will be able to determine which editing mode that you are currently using:

set -o
emacs           on
vi              off

To switch your command-line editing mode, simply type either:

set -o vi


set -o emacs

In case you're only familiar with one of Zsh and Bash, here are the equivalent key bindings you (may) need:


bind '"\C-k"':kill-line


bindkey "\C-k"      vi-kill-eol

Other relevant information

To get a list of key bindings:

# bash
bind -p

# zsh