Bacpac Import fails with error 'The Element or Annotation class SqlDatabaseOptions does not contain the Property class CatalogCollation'

This has been fixed as part of build 14.0.17230.0 (not 14.0.17320.0) of SSMS. Please update to the latest version.

You can read more about here:

Install a later version of the Data Tier Application framework eg

That way you don't necessarily have to do a full upgrade, just use this standalone version..

An example import command would be:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\DAC\bin\sqlpackage.exe" /a:Import /tdn:NEWDBNAME /tp:SQLSERVERUSERPASSWORD /tsn:SQLSERVERINSTANCE /tu:SQLSERVERUSERPASSWORD /sf:"C:\Temp\BACPACFILENAME.bacpac"