Azure Website Remote Debugging with git deploy not working

Update 2/8/2014

Some fixes were made in WAWS, and it is now possible to make debugging work when using git, by having VS correctly load the server-side PDBs. For it to work, you need to do one of two things (i.e. you don't need to do both). It can work in both VS 2012 and 2013.

  1. Turn off Just My Code debugging: just turn off that setting in the VS debugger settings and try debugging your Azure Web Site.
  2. Build in Debug mode: to do that on the server build, you can go to the Azure Portal and add an ApSetting called SCM_BUILD_ARGS, with value -p:Configuration=Debug (more details here). Then go to the Deployments page and hit the Redeploy button (for the current deployment). Then attach from VS and it should all work!

Original answer

Indeed, this doesn't work today, and we're trying to see how we could make it work. At the root, the problem appears to be the Visual Studio debugger expects to find the PDBs on the client, while in the git case they only exist on the server.

This article discusses changes to how the debugger works between 2010 and the newer versions, and that probably affects things.

More investigation needed, but this is the state of things right now.