Azure DevOps: 1 Solution Multiple Projects CI/CD

Hoping this helps others:

I solved this by using Path filters on the Build definition and it works flawlessly. I have created 1 build definition per project that needs to live or be hosted somewhere (in my example, I have 3 Build definitions: Web Api, Website, Node.js).

With the proper path to the project in the Path filter only the proper Builds spin up, and any projects untouched do not trigger a build. Each build has it's own release which then deploys the specified app to it's own destination.

Look if I understand your question well, you need to deploy specific built parts Yes you can do this in azure DevOps. In Azure DevOps you have build definition and release pipeline. In build you will build the projects and publish just 2 components which you mentioned and in release you will deploy them I hope I answered your question