Azure Blob 400 Bad request on Creation of container

I actually ended up finding the problem.

My problem was that the blob storage emulator would not start (the other emulators would start and I missed the blob). The problem ended up being that the port 10000 (default blob emulator port) was already being used by another software. I used Netstat cmd tool to see which software it was, killed it and its now working like a charm!!! Thanks everyone!!

To expand on @kwill's answer, I implemented a solution for converting any string into an acceptable container name, based on Azure's rules for container naming:

public static string ToURLSlug(this string s)
    return Regex.Replace(s, @"[^a-z0-9]+", "-", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
        .Trim(new char[] { '-' })

Then, when you try to get the container, clean it up first:

CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(bucket.ToURLSlug());

As you found through your research, the problem is the name.

You say that your test container is named imageads-57905553-8585-4d7c-8270-be9e611eda81, but in your code you are using ImageAds-57905553-8585-4d7c-8270-be9e611eda81. Notice the difference in capitalization. If you switch your container name to all lower case it will work correctly.

For more information, see #3 under Container Names at Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata:

3. All letters in a container name must be lowercase.