Azure App Service Deploy returns (403) Forbidden with IP restriction

I think the answer is incorrect as you might face data ex-filtration and that's the reason Microsoft provide the feature to lock down SCM portal (Kudu console) There is also a security issue on Kudu portal as it can display the secret of your keyvault (if you use keyvault) and you don't want someone in your organisation to access the Kudu portal for example.

You have to follow this link

It will provide you Azure DevOPS IP range that you need to allow on the SCM Access restriction.

Update: To make it works as expected and to use App Service Access Restriction (same for an Azure Function), you need to use the Service Tags "AzureCloud" and not the Azure DevOPS IP range as it's not enough. on the Azure Pipeline logs, you can see the IP blocked so you can see that it's within the ServiceTags "AzureCloud" in the Service Tags JSON file It's not really clear on the MS Doc but the reason is that they struggled to define a proper IP range for Azure DevOPS Pipeline so they use IPs from AzureCloud Service Tag. enter image description here

Try adding the application setting WEBSITE_WEBDEPLOY_USE_SCM with a value of false to your Azure App Service. This was able to solve my issues deploying to a private endpoint.

In my case I was deploying using Azure DevOps and got the error. It turned out the app service where my API was being deployed to, had the box checked "Same restrictions as", under access restrictions or IP restrictions. you need to allow

The REST site must have Allow All, i.e. no restriction. Also, Same restrictions as *** should be unchecked.

It does not need additional restriction because url access already requires Microsoft credentials. If restrictions are added, deploy will fail the firewall, hence the many complications I encountered.

